Sunday, April 3, 2016


          What an awesome thing to behold if the church comes together as one people, united under God Almighty. What an awesome sight to witness God’s glorious church of a rainbow-color worshiping together and bringing heaven down to earth. I believe God longs for a ‘Rainbow- color Revival’ in His church, where God’s people assemble together around the table of the Good News, the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
          There are so many dying around us and around the world, especially our young people. Many are feeling empty and hungry for something and do not know what. But what the emptiness and the hunger stem from is an emptiness of God and a hunger for God. It is a hunger for Jesus Christ and Savior of the world.  May the power of the Holy Spirit burn within the church and equip the saints of God to proclaim a gospel that will satisfy the hungry and emptiness of souls.
I believe God longs for Christ Bride, the Church, to experience a ‘Rainbow Color’ awakening that will spark a reformation of a complacent church.  
          We came through the Lenten season up to the resurrection of Jesus. It was during this time that the disciples got discouraged at the cruel sight of Jesus’ crucifixion. They lost hope in the idea of continuing on in the footstep of Jesus. But Jesus’ resurrection brought about a reformation of the disciples lives and sparked a fire in them to advance the New Testament Church. The Church today needs a fire, the Holy Spirit fire.
          When the fire of the Holy Spirit comes to the church, the church will no longer look the same as it is today.  And when the gospel is preached those who are feeling empty and spiritually hungry will run to the cross of Christ and be made satisfied in Him.
          John in his gospel tells us that Jesus declares, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me.” John 7:37. And Isaiah tells us, “Ho, everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and you that have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, without money and without price.  Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread and your labor for that which does not satisfy? Listen, so that you may live. Isaiah 55. Those who are feeling empty and hungry for God come to the water of the Word, eat, drink and live.  

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