Friday, February 21, 2014


My face book friends

Reiterating: I believe a person, who is searching for God, and for some the higher power, is like unto one who is lost in a vast forest or wilderness. He walks until his shoes are worn, his feet have blisters, he is hungry for food, and thirsty for water with no end in sight. He decides to look for streams of water between the rocks and trees of this vast forest. The irony here is that the streams of water is not lost, it is right where it is supposed to be in the forest. And it is the one who is thirsty that has to find it. When he finds it he rejoices and drinks and lives, or he drinks and lives and rejoices.
The Good News is God is not lost, and Jesus calls us to God through His Gospel.

What problem the one who is searching faces?
In order to search for something one needs direction to where one might think one is going. Nowadays when a person is searching for a place especially, in unfamiliar territory it is common for that person to set up a GPS. Today there are some very sophisticated ones. Although in rear instances a GPS may try to direct a person to a river or two, they are pretty accurate most of the time and will take the person to the destination thus, bringing an end to the search.
Without direction the search for God or as some might say, a higher power is like unto one who is lost in a vast forest like the story above with no real direction. Unless a person is familiar with the place where he is going he may get lost.  

Like in the story above, a map might show where streams of water are, where a monument is located,  and dangerous areas to avoid. Without a map, a compass or some form of directional guide there is a strong possibility of one being lost in a wilderness or forest.  

What then would you say to the one searching for God or as some might say a higher power?
The one who is searching is really searching for salvation; he is seeking to be saved or to be rescued from something. He is seeking salvation from whatever ails or afflicts him.

What then is the answer?
Reiterating: The Good News is that God is not lost, and Jesus calls us to God through His Gospel.
The Bible is our Map, our compass, and it is an amazing guide for all who are searching for God.
One needs salvation from what might be a never ending search.  
The answer then lies in the Gospel – the Good News about Jesus Christ, which is the power of God unto salvation – the power of God to save, rescue or to deliver, and bring an end to the search. Thus restoring or bringing about a right relationship with God.

Searching can be tiresome. But Jesus is calling the searchers, and he is saying, “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30). Jesus wants to give us rest from our search and instead he wants us to rest in him.

Shear: How are you resting in Jesus Christ?

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