Friday, April 25, 2014


Jesus Christ is risen! Yes, He has risen for the last 2000 years! Sunday will be the second Sunday of Easter! The Gospel of John 20:19-31 points us to the first church and showed them hiding behind locked doors on the day of the resurrection of Jesus. The irony is that the doors of the world were wide open. The world was at the door of Jesus’ grave making sure he stayed dead. But death could not hold him! For the resurrection power was too powerful for death and the world. Jesus rose victoriously over death and the grave! Death and the grave could not keep him from his small congregation of twelve hiding behind closed doors. Yes, they were scared. Yes, they were hiding behind closed doors. Yes, their faith failed them, especially since they witnessed their Pastor, leader, master, and Rabbi brutally taken from them and put to death. Who wouldn't hide! But Jesus Christ was not about to give death and the grave victory over his church. With the resurrection power, He rolled away his grave stone, silenced the world at his grave door, and walked through the locked door of his house church to give the promised ‘peace’ through the Holy Spirit to his small congregation! To rid any doubt from his congregation, Jesus encourages them, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” One member cried out, “My Lord and my God!” Today we can shout Praise God! Praise God! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! The church is alive! And upon this rock, Jesus Christ, the church is built and the gates of hates cannot prevail against it! 
Because of Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection, the church no longer hides behind locked doors. The church is no longer an inner circle of twelve. It is Christ’s Universal Church, comprised of every nations, languages and tongues. And unites together all around the world through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Oh what an awesome God! Oh what a savior!!!

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