Wednesday, February 19, 2014


 Many people, especially our younger generation are searching for God. They want to know, who is this God that is talked about, called upon, and proclaimed. Yet, many have not come to know or find this God. It seems like a dilemma, both in the world and sadly, in the church.
Is there an answer to this dilemma?
Does the church have an answer?
The Gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation. What then is the Gospel?
The Gospel is the good news about Jesus Christ.

When the life of Jesus is told or preached – when his birth, his life, his ministry, his death, burial and resurrection is told or preached, we have the good news. Although the good news seems obscured by his oppression and his death, the good news came to life or became clear at his resurrection. So Jesus’ life –ministry, death, burial and resurrection, especially His resurrection is the ultimate Good News and the essence of salvation.
What then is salvation? The dictionary has several meanings. One is “Deliverance from the power or penalty of sin.” So one could say, salvation means to be delivered, rescued or saved from something that is not good for us or for our relationship with God.
According to Harper Collins Bible Dictionary, the term ‘salvation’ has lost its original meaning. It states that the word salvation is rooted in God’s divine help, especially in circumstances where God’s people face an adversary. God comes in and rescues and delivers from perils. Salvation also includes deliverance from other forms of conflict, especially relating to people’s relationship with God.

 The Gospel or the Good News is in direct correlation with salvation. In a nutshell, the Gospel is the essence of salvation.
 KJV Mark 16:15, Jesus told his disciples, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”
 NIV Mark 16:15 “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.”
NRS Mark 16:15 “Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation.”

In the language of Christianity, the God for whom people are searching is found in Jesus Christ, the one who died on the cross to atone for sinful humanity. Jesus is the one whom Isaiah wrote about in the book of Isaiah Chapter 53 saying, “He was wounded for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the punishment that made us whole, and by his bruises we are healed.”
The devastation of Jesus’ life became the Ultimate Good News at His resurrection. The Good News is the Gospel and the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation. The Gospel is the power of God to rescue from the bondage of sin, and it is the essence of salvation for seekers.

 Many people are searching for answers how to be saved from all kinds of things in the world, which ail or afflict them. In other words people are seeking for salvation; they are seeking to be saved or to be rescued from something that is not good for the physical, mental or spiritual health. And everyone likes to be healthy.

What then is the answer for those who are still searching?
The answer then lies in the Gospel – the Good News about Jesus Christ, which is the power of God unto salvation – the power of God to save, rescue or to deliver the one who searches for God, and bring an end to the search.

 I believe a person, who is searching for God, is like one who is lost in a vast forest or wilderness. He walks until his shoes are worn, his feet have blisters, he is hungry for food, and thirsty for water with no end in sight. He decides to look for streams of water between the rocks and trees of this vast forest. And the irony here is that the streams of water is not lost, it is right where it is supposed to be in the forest. And it is the one who is thirsty that has to find it. When he finds it he rejoices and drinks and lives, or he drinks and lives and rejoices.
The Good News is God is not lost, and Jesus calls us to God through His Gospel.
When the Gospel is preached – the life, ministry, death, burial and resurrection of the risen Christ, the one who is searching for God will be saved from his wilderness whatever his wilderness may be and his search for God will come to an end. He will rejoice that he has found that for which he searches.

By: Pastor Salome


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