Wednesday, February 19, 2014


To my Facebook friends:  

The essence of the Gospel is ‘salvation’. Salvation is to seek and to save what was lost. It is to seek and rescue what was lost from the power of sin. Notice, the phrase ‘what was lost’. I invite you to look at a bigger picture. We are often tempted to narrow down the ‘seek and save’ to humanity only. But think of it, ‘to seek and to save what was lost’ also include the whole creation. Ever wonder why there is so much compassion shown towards the animals? At times it seems more compassion is given towards animals than to humans. It is because the Gospel is given for the animals also. It is given for God’s whole creation. The Gospel, although it is about the life, ministry, crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection of the living Christ, it is not just words on the pages of the Bible. The Gospel is the Good News, the Word of God alive through God’s people in the world. We are ambassadors of Christ, called to do the gospel, and to be the Gospel, to all nations and languages for Christ’s sake. We are God’s hands and feet in the world through Jesus Christ. We are to seek and rescue that which is lost through the saving Gospel of Christ. Therefore, the essence of the Gospel is ‘salvation’. Salvation is to rescue that which is lost from the power of sin. And Jesus Christ came to seek and to save what was lost. Luke 19:10.
What does Christ means to you?
How do you see the Gospel used in your church to rescue the lost from the power of sin?

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