Friday, April 25, 2014


The resurrection power is awesome. It heals the sick, raise the dead, and set the captives free. And that’s what Jesus did all through his ministry. His crucifixion is fresh in our minds. He was crucified, nailed to a cross, because He had the audacity to heal the sick, raise the dead and set captive people free. 

That was part of his purpose in the world and in the church. Jesus had the awesome power to bring to life dead things. He had the audacity to demonstrate the resurrection power by calling his friend Lazarus to come forth from his grave after he had been dead for four days. Not only that when Jesus called Lazarus from the dead, other dead people took advantage of the call and walked away from their graves. 

When God calls the child of God, ordains and sends him or her to go into the world and proclaim the Gospel to all nations, and promise to be with him or her always to the end of the age, God will empower that person with the audacity to set free those who are held captive by sin. 

Jesus instructed bystanders at the grave site of Lazarus to take off the grave clothes off of Lazarus and let him go. Jesus is a friend of sinners, and he wants to remove sin from the sinners lives. The grave cloth is symbolic of the bondage of sin. And God wants to remove the grave cloth of sin with all of its stench and set the sinner free from the grip of sin. 

If you do not yet know Jesus, He is reaching out for you today. If you let him, he will remove your grave cloth of sin and set you free.

As children of God, as church leaders, let us take off from our church grave cloths that hinder and prevent the Holy Spirit from being welcomed in our midst. When grave cloths are removed broken people are made well.

The church is the hospital where Jesus lives and Jesus is famous for removing grave cloths. If you do not know Jesus, He is your friend. And he is calling you like he called his friend Lazarus; He is calling you to come forth from sin and death to a new life in Jesus. 

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